Today is Father's Day.
Today I am angry at my father.
I am angry that you still love the stupid boy who abandoned you during your illness.
I am angry that you still love the stupid boy who sapped your savings.
I am angry that you still love the stupid boy who has done nothing for you.
I am angry that you will never love me like that.
Even though I helped you financially when you were sick.
Even though I helped you emotionally when you were sick.
Even though I have had been supporting you.
I am angry that you will never love me.
I am angry.
Today is Father's Day.
Today I spent $120 on a gift for which you will never show or admit appreciation. You will ask, "Why did you spend money on this?" You will go and enjoy it anyway. No thanks to me.
I am the daughter who gave up my dream of owning my own house. Instead, I bought yours so you could recover and live comfortably.
I am the daughter who gave up my dream of a happy little family. Instead, I still walk on egg shells like a self-conscious teenager who has to abide by your rules.
I am the daughter who gave up my dreams for you.
He abandoned you, and you still love him.
How am I supposed to feel?